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Old Hill Primary School and Nursery

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School Uniform

It is the policy of Old Hill Primary School that all children wear school uniform. Our policy is based on the principles that school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride and community identity. By wearing the same badge and the same clothing, pupils feel a sense of belonging and equality, both within school and the community.
  • Prevents unkindness or bullying while keeping costs down. By requiring all our pupils to wear the same low-cost uniform, we reduce the incentive for pupils to ask parents for the latest (and most expensive) items of fashion. As a result, costs are kept as low as possible and no child can be seen to be poorer or wealthier than any other.
  • Is practical and smart. Our uniform is designed with health and safety in mind, making it suitable for school. Furthermore, it allows for easy recognition of pupils in public places, helping staff to ensure pupil safety.

We rely on parents and carers to co-operate by following the uniform policy and sending their children to school wearing appropriate clothing. We encourage parents and carers to contact the school if they are unsure about any aspect of the policy or if they have difficulty abiding by it for any reason.

The Uniform

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • Grey or black skirt / pinafore dress or grey / black plain trousers (no leggings, joggers or fashion trousers.)
  • Plain white shirt or polo shirt
  • Plain white, grey or black socks / tights
  • Plain flat black school shoe

 PE kit

Children are required to wear a separate set of clothes for PE and should arrive in school in their PE kit which they will wear throughout the school day.

  • Plain sky-blue polo t-shirt
  • Plain navy shorts
  • Black plimsolls or plain black trainers
  • Plain navy or black jogging bottoms (in cold weather for outdoor games)
  • Plain navy or black jumper or fleece without hoods (in cold weather for outdoor games).


Examples of appropriate footwear for school uniform:


Please label everything clearly so that lost uniform can be easily identified.

Jewellery and hair accessories

Children should not wear jewellery to school. An exception will be made for pierced ears (plain, small studs only) and if the jewellery is of a religious or medical significance. Please see your child’s class teacher if this is the case.

Children with long hair should wear it tied or clipped back for school. Hair accessories should be discreet and in black, grey or white.