Class 1 Curriculum Offer
Subject |
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
English |
Class Texts: Handa’s Surprise Billy and the beast Ruby’s Worry Ravi’s Roar A Squash and a Squeeze Superhero Gran The Gruffalo
Writing opportunities: Labelling and captioning Writing sentences Diary writing Instructions Character descriptions Christmas writing
Significant figure: William Shakespeare |
Class Texts: Where the wild things are Three Billy goats gruff Tyrannosaurus Drip Sharing a shell Yoshi the stonecutter Farmer Duck Jack and the beanstalk
Writing opportunities: Non-chronological report Instructions Descriptions Labelling Retell a story
Significant figure: Mary Seacole |
Class Texts: Lost and found Hansel and Gretel The Frog Prince The boy who cried wolf The hare and the tortoise Cinnamon
Writing opportunities: Character description Retell a story Diary entry
Significant figure: Bob Marley |
Maths |
Place value within 10 Addition and subtraction within 10 |
Place value within 20 Addition and subtraction within 20 |
Multiplication and division |
Science |
Seasons |
Everyday materials |
Plants |
History |
Toys and games over time |
Florence Nightingale compared to Edith Cavell as well as Kofoworola Abeni Pratt and their impact on nursing. |
The Bournville family |
Geography |
Locational and directional language (for example, near and far, left and right) to describe location of features and routes on a map.
Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. |
The UK countries and their capitals. The seven continents and five oceans |
Religious Education |
What do Christians believe about God? Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
Stories of Sikh Gurus Why does Easter matter? Ball skills
Stories of the prophet Questions that puzzle us
Physical Education |
Fundamentals Fitness Yoga Dance |
Gymnastics Net and wall games Ball Sending and receiving skills |
Athletics Target games Team building Striking and fielding games |
Computing |
Improving mouse skills |
Rocket to the moon |
Creating media: Digital imagery |
Art |
Spirals |
Simple printmaking |
Sculptural birds |
Design Technology |
Moving picture books Instrument workshop |
Hand puppets Latin American music |
Fruit kebabs Performance skills |
Music |
Rap and hip hop Instrument workshop |
In the groove Latin American music |
Imagination: songs and lyrics Performance skills |
Personal, Social, Health Education |
Being me in my own world |
Dreams and goals |
Relationships |
Trips / visits |
Dudley Zoo |