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Class 6


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Key Texts

The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

The Piano (short film)


Spelling Focus

Synonyms and Antonyms

Prefixes - co, un, sub, anti

Suffixes – ful, less, ment, ness


Grammar and Punctuation

Word Classes recap – Nouns, verbs, and adjectives

Modal verbs


Active and Passive voice

Prepositional phrases


Writing Outcomes

By the end of the term pupils will have had the opportunity to write:

Chronological Report – Newspaper Article

Balanced Argument - write and perform a speech


Flashback Narrative

Biography of a significant figure – Nelson Mandela

Key Texts

The Haunting of Aveline Jones by Phil Hicks

The Journey by Francesca Sanna

A River by Mark Martin

Sometimes the Stars (short film)


Spelling Focus

Prefixes – sub, anti, auto, inter

Words ending with _ly, _tious and -ous


Grammar and Punctuation



Colons and Semi colons

Active and passive voice


Personification (Alan peat personification of weather)



Writing Outcomes

By the end of the term pupils will have had the opportunity to write:

Narrative – setting and character descriptions

Playscripts - Radio Interview

Biography of a significant figure – Malala Yousafzai

Key Texts

Skellig by David Almond

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

Varmints by Helen Ward


Spelling Focus

Words ending with _ate, _ise, _ify

Prefixes – mis, dis, re, de, over


Grammar and Punctuation

Layout devices such as: headings, sub-headings, columns, bullets


Writing Outcomes

By the end of the term pupils will have had the opportunity to write:


Diary - Internal Monologue

Non- Chronological Report – Mythical Creature

Biography of a significant figure – Emeline Pankhurst


Place Value – Numbers up to 10,000,000 including ordering, comparing and rounding.


Calculation – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division


Fractions – finding equivalent fractions, ordering and comparing and calculating fractions.


Converting units - including metric and imperial units of measure.

Ratio- looking at proportion in everyday life including recipes.


Algebra- using formulae, forming and solving equations.


Decimals, Fractions and Percentages – finding percentages of amounts, identifying equivalents, order and compare between each unit.


Area, Perimeter and Volume

Statistics- reading, interpreting and creating line graphs, bar charts and pie charts.


Shape – measure, classify and classify angles in 2d shapes, investigate circles and identify nets of 3D shapes.


Position and Direction – plot, translate and reflect shapes on a four-quadrant grid.


Consolidation projects linked to the curriculum




Animals including humans: the circulatory system

Evolution and inheritance

Living things and their habitats: classification


Anglo-Saxons in Britain

Vikings in Britain

World War 2

Local Area Study- How has Old Hill changed?


Amazon and Interconnected Amazon

Local study comparing Old Hill and Birmingham


Energy Climate and Climate Chane

Religious Education

Stories of the Ramadan



The teaching of the gurus and living Sikh traditions


The Prince who became Buddha and Buddhist stories and traditions

Physical Education








Computing systems and networks: Bletchley Park and the history of computers


Programming into Python



Data Handling

Inventing a product

Online safety

Modern Foreign Languages

Spanish – Dates


Spanish – In the classroom

In my home

Spanish – Seasons

Presenting myself


2D to 3D

Exploring identity

Take a seat

Design Technology

Complex switches/ pulleys & gears

Bridges (frame structures)

Celebrating cultures (food technology)


Happy’ Pharell Williams

Contemporary R&B


Exploring improvisation and the Blues scale

Classroom Jazz


Songwriting: Music and lyrics

Electronic music


Summer festival songs

Personal, Social, Health Education

Being Me in My World-
Who am I and how do I fit?


Celebrating Difference
Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique



Dreams and Goals-
Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this.


Healthy Me - Beingand keeping safe and healthy.

Relationships- Building positive, healthy relationships.


Changing Me
Coping positively with change and preparing for secondary school.

Trips / visits

Weekly swimming lessons at Sandwell Aquatic Centre


Each Wednesday from 11.9.24 to 18.12.24


Visit to Birmingham City Centre

Outdoor Adventure Day venue TBC